2023 has been the year of our 75th anniversary, and we have tried to celebrate it in every event we organised.
Many thanks for supporting your charity again, attending these events, donating your time and/or money, buying raffle tickets, sending us emails with your concerns and/or congratulations. This is always a great guidance and motivation for your executive committee, made exclusively of volunteers.
I would like to express a warm welcome to all new members who joined us in this significant year.
In sum, 2023 had 5 Milongas at the Ambassador’s Residence with circa 200 people each, to fundraise for our Curatorial Residency at Delfina Foundation, whose winner in 2022, Andrei Fernandez, completed her experience at the beginning of this year.
Andrei was invited to curate and exhibition of indigenous ancestral art at the Cecilia Brunson Projects gallery in September. It was a direct result of the Bridges Programme we develop with the Embassy of Argentina and cultural strategist Camila Charask.
See Andrei’s work here:
Our book club in Spanish, Leyendo Argentina, which meets on zoom once a month except on holidays, read 10 books and celebrated 7 years with a gathering at the Ambassador’s Residence in May. In January 2024 they will discuss “Fortuna” by Hernán Díaz.
Write to info@angloargentinesociety.co.uk for information.
The 75th anniversary Gran Asado at Wasps, for members only and their family and friends, had 140 people who enjoyed a wonderful event with folklore, prizes and delicious food on a very hot Sunday.
The traditional Ambassador’s Gala Dinner organised with APARU, with £7100 profit to divide between both charities, was a total success with outstanding attendance, raffle, auctions -live and silent-, live singing, dj, and dancing.
Don Roberto Cunninghame Graham was remembered with a very informative talk about his biography, by his great-great nephew Jamie Jauncey. A very Scottish evening. (the book can be bought on Amazon).
And our Christmas Concert and Party at the Ambassador’s Residence was a delightful and moving evening of songs by Argentine soprano Sara Fleming, accompanied by pianists Julieta Iglesias and Sergey Rybin; followed by refreshments and raffle, with almost 100 guests.
Special thanks need to go to ALL our donors and sponsors for the generous help provided in 2023, specially to the Embassy of Argentina in the United Kingdom.
Of course, we had our 76th AGM in November, which was well attended by 30 members, at the Embassy of Argentina, among which there were 6 vice presidents. It was wonderful to receive a letter of recognition for our work from these former chairs.
Ambassador Javier Figueroa also sent a letter of support to the AAS and this committee, for the occasion, expressing his “gratitude for the ongoing support you have provided to the Embassy in the development of the Bridges Programme”.
APARU congratulated the AAS on our anniversary with a memento presented at the Ambassador’s Gala and a letter of support and gratitude sent for the AGM.
As we informed you through the annual report booklet in a previous email, our Treasurer Mario Mansilla will leave the position in January 2024, but stays as a member of the committee. Christopher Ecclestone also left the committee.
The AAS Committee for 2024 stands like this:
- Chairwoman and trustee: Fátima Nollén-Reardon
- Hon Treasurer and trustee: Federico Yáñez Vera
- Vice Chairman and trustee: Federico Cincotta
- Member and trustee: Mario Mansilla
- Member and trustee: Vanesa Patrignani Castillo
- Co-opted member: Clorrie Yeomans
The invitation to join the committee is open to those members who want to help, work to create events and find sponsors and help manage many administrative aspects of our charity.
Bridges Programme:
We are proud to announce the new winner (2023) for the curatorial residency, which instead of nominators, progressed to a successful Open Call.
Carolina Jozami – curator of the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes will start her 9 weeks residency at Delfina Foundation in January 2024.
In Memoriam:
We’d like to remember the great contribution and permanent support of this society, of vice-president Alan Tabbush (chairman 1980-1983), who passed on October 9.
Our deepest condolences to his family.
Various Announcements:
Many of our members and friends have published books recently and donated a few for the raffles this year or shared with us discount vouchers. Here a list.
-Che Inglés by Kenelm Murray (Amazon)
-Don Roberto, the Adventure of Being Cunninghame Graham, by Jamie Jauncey (Amazon bookshops)
-Pumas, A History of Argentine Rugby, by Rex Gowar (Amazon – Bookshops)
-No One Taught Me to Tango, by Trevor Grove (Amazon)
-Pioneering Spirit, an Anglo-Argentine story, by Jeanine Brownrigg, directly on her website www.jeaninebrownrigg.co.uk
-A Faithful Spy, by Jimmy Burns Marañón, Chair of the British Spanish Society, has a 20% discount at checkout with code XMASSPY at chiselbury.com.
-Billiken Book online and free , “Children’s Culture and Citizenship in Argentina, A history of Billiken Magazine” by Prof. Lauren Rea MBE.
A conversation about Argentine writer and pioneering naturalist William Henry Hudson between Conor Mark Jameson and Dr. Graciela Iglesias-Rogers from Univ. of Sheffield ‘s Modern History Research Centre is available here: https://t.co/Uhp9Dw53Go
Social Media
Also, worth noting is that this year we have seen a 17% increase in our social media following across all platforms. This growth is primarily within Instagram, our key and most active network, celebrating 1,600 followers by end of this year. Social Media has helped to maintain our audience informed and engaged around our activities and to amplify our network of members.
On behalf of the Anglo-Argentine Society’s Committee, I wish you all a beautiful Christmas and a very happy New Year.
Fátima Nollén-Reardon
The Anglo-Argentine Society
Reg Charity 208002
The AAS will not answer emails between December 20 and January 6.
You can download the newsletter in pdf format here