Dear Members,
I hope this letter finds you well and you are enjoying the summer.
We had a very successful six months with events to remember, like our Ambassador’s Gala Dinner, the very interesting Hudson talk at the Argentine Residence, the Di Tella talk on zoom, and the Gran Asado Argentino attended by 480 members and friends of the AAS.
Many thanks for participating in these events, supporting the charity and helping as volunteers, to make the Asado a success.
We have completed the process of digitalising our accounts at the same time as redesigning our website, which looks wonderful, and will make the experience easier to manage, friendlier to interact and less time consuming for volunteers who change periodically and it’s becoming more difficult every day to find.
This month we would like to remind you of that your annual subscription renewal should be done by September; (except those who have become members recently through our website which went last April).
We are kindly requesting from you to be pro-active and help us achieve this big change.
All memberships need to be renewed or registered via the website, instead of using bank transfers or direct debits as before. That way we can manage the membership and accounts more efficiently.
Please go to our website www.angloargentinesociety.org.uk
- Look for the Membership page
- Choose your type of membership (UK-Abroad /Single-Couples-family-student, Corporate, Etc)
- Fill the forms with all the details
- Complete the payment
- You and us will receive acknowledgement of membership and payment immediately.
With this you will be creating your own account and login.You can stop it whenever you wish if you decide so.
The website will remind you when your next payment will be taken (a year after).
You can also make DONATIONS and book our EVENTS.
You will continue to receive our news via email and can also see it on the website, which also contains information about the charities we are currently supporting, a bit of our history and our sponsors, among other things.
The main changes are:
Your membership will start from the moment you register for a year. Not from September to September as it did before.
You will have your own account and login, and renewal will be automatic unless you choose it not to be.
We know that for some of you it will be difficult because you don’t have digital access or chose not to have it. In that case we will help you upload your details if needed, once you have renewed it in the traditional way.
Please do not hesitate to email us if you have doubts.
As it is summer, we are not going to the office that often, so you are more likely to find us via email on info@angloargentinesociety.co.uk
We look forward to seeing you all renewing your membership through our website and helping us to continue improving your society.
In other news, I would like to inform you that Derek Gibson, our chief asador, has retired from cooking after 30 years at the traditional parrillas. This year was his last asado, and the AAS presented him with gifts to recognise his invaluable contribution and trajectory. As a serendipity, June 19 would have been his father’s (George) 100 birthday. Many of you will remember him.
Thank you, Derek for your passion, attention to detail, enjoy sitting at the table, but don’t go too far away.
So, the Gran Asado will need a new head asador.
Committee member Jesica Arregui stood down for personal reasons, but she stays committed to continue her volunteer work with us. Thank you, Jess for all your hard work with the Gran Asado, it was essential to our success.
We welcome Cecilia Lipovsek as a co-opted committee member. She is a valuable addition to our energetic group. After a bit of reflection, she decided to help us with tech aspects of our digital platforms (Eventbrite-MailChimp, etc), instead of as Honorary Secretary.
Hence, this position at the executive committee is still open and needs filling asap.
Still, we are looking for some more committee members who can donate a bit of their time and knowledge in various areas which go from events to social media, graphic designers, IT, marketing, business, to help us develop more sources of income.
Or you may just want to volunteer without being involved directly in the decision-making.
Please contact us and tell us how you would like to help.
A final big thank you goes to all the committee members who have worked so hard and wisely advised on challenging decisions to help the AAS thrive.
Best wishes
Fátima Nollén-Reardon
The Anglo-Argentine Society (Reg Charity 208002)